
Tuesday 26 June 2012

Cattleya (Blade Flower – The Queen of Orchids)

Cattleya flowers have a great shape. It has a beautiful color and it is resistant to all weather conditions. This makes a lot of people liked Cattleya. 


The flower is perfect for beginners who want to start concentrating on orchid cultivation.
Cattleya flowers originally from Central America and South America


In a plant, the number of flowers may vary. The flowers last for only two weeks. The flowers are large and colorful, but only last for a moment.


Cattleya also called The Queen of Orchids. Cattleya is also known as Free Flowering plant. Because Cattleya does not know any season. It can bloom at any time of the year.


Cattleya hybrids have a wide assortment of types. Most of the Cattleya flowers smell fragrant in the morning and afternoon. 


These flowers measure 5 meters to more than 15 meters. The color of these flowers varies too much, but do not have blue and black.


Their beautiful look with great fragrance make them famous in orchid world. They can be planted to beautify the yard.


Cattleya is a loveable flower and very much favorite for orchid people. 




Canna normally grows wild in the forests and mountains. Sometimes also used as an ornamental plant in the yard or in the parks. Canna flowers are from tropical America and can be found from the lowlands to an altitude of 1000 m above sea level. 


These flowers will thrive in the open or slightly shielded from the sun. This annual plant grows upright to reach two meters high, has a thick rhizome like tubers. Canna flowers have a single leaf with an oval shape elongated, short-stemmed into stem, tapered tip and base, pinnate clear. 


Canna flowers also have bright colors like red, yellow, and dice. Fruits are like boxes, spherical shape, rough fruit wall, seed 3-5, round, hard. 


Canna flowers are not only have the beauty of its petals, but also have a lush variety of cheerful colors. 


Canna flowers plant can also be used as a drug, for example can be used as a reliever fever, urinary laxative, sedative, and lowers blood pressure (hypotensive).


Canna flowers have large, attractive foliage and horticulturists have turned it into a large-flowered and bright garden plant. In addition, it is one of the world's richest starch sources, and is an agricultural plant. 


Although a plant of the tropics, most cultivars have been developed in temperate climates and are easy to grow in most countries of the world as long as they can enjoy at least 6–8 hours average sunlight during the summer. 


The name Canna originates from the Celtic word for a cane or reed. The plants are large tropical and subtropical perennial herbs with a rhizomatous rootstock. 


The broad, flat, alternate leaves, that are such a feature of this plant, grow out of a stem in a long narrow roll and then unfurl. 


The leaves are typically solid green but some cultivars have glaucose, brownish, maroon, or even variegated leaves. 


The flowers are typically red, orange, or yellow or any combination of those colours, and are aggregated in inflorescences that are spikes or panicles (thyrses). 


Although gardeners enjoy these odd flowers, nature really intended them to attract pollinators collecting nectar and pollen, such as bees, hummingbirds and bats. The pollination mechanism is conspicuously specialized. 


Pollen is shed on the style while still in the bud, and in the species and early hybrids some is also found on the stigma because of the high position of the anther, which means that they are self-pollinating. 


Later cultivars have a lower anther, and rely on pollinators alighting on the labellum and touching first the terminal stigma, and then the pollen. 



Cactus is usually seen as an ornamental plant. Due to variations of this plant we can see them everywhere. Most of them grow in places where there is less water. 


Cactus is basically originated from America. These plants have wide range from variety of shapes, colors, and flowers. Even the needless also have its own aesthetic values.


Cactus flower is a favorite plant for people who are busy. Why? Because the cactus flowers do not need to be frequently watered. :P


Cactus can grow very easily, even when it is very dry. Don’t water cactus plants too much otherwise they will die.


Cactus flower has a very striking shape. They are different than the flowers of other plants. The tree is thorny and flower located directly above. Certainly you can detect that it is a cactus flower


Cactus flowers are also known as Epiphyllum or orchid cactus. Epiphyllum flower has a fragrance smell of boiling. The plant can be up to 20 cm in diameter. 

These plants are shaped like small stones. Their size is not more than 5 cm. such cactuses are like: Lithop, Titanopsis, Lapidaria, Penestraria, and Gibbaeum. 

There are also giant cacti, such as Cereus peruvianus. The structure is typical of prickly cactus plants. Thorn tree cactus can be very short and small as to be difficult to detect.


Can also be very large and sharp thorns as in Echinocactus. Biasanya ancient Indians utilize cactus sap as a traditional medicine

Cactus flowers do not lose competitiveness with other flowering plants; they also already have loyal fans.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Bougainville (paper flowers )

Bougainville or paper flowers are from Latin America. Latin name is Bougainvillea, including the family Nyctaginaceae. This flower has 13 species; the most widely grown is B.spectabilis and B. glabra. B. spectabilis has bright flowers that stand out with garlands and the circuit is long. Have color as white, purple, orange and red.  B. glabra flowers have appearance among the leaves.


Bougainville is represented as a love interest for lovers, mothers, children and all beings in the world. Some also believe that Bougainville should not be planted in front of the house, because the owner can get a disaster. This flower is somewhat strange, if she is planted in a dry and less fertile she will produce lush flowers.

Bougainville is a popular ornamental plant. These plants are small trees and hard to stand upright. Its beauty comes from a series of brightly colored flowers those attract attention. These flowers grow lush and beautiful.

Bougainvillea is a genus of flowering plants native to South America from Brazil west to Peru and south to southern Argentina (Chubut Province). Different authors accept between four and 18 species in the genus.


The plant was first described by Philibert Commerçon, a French botanist accompanying French Navy admiral and explorer Louis Antoine de Bougainville during his voyage of circumnavigation, and first published for him by Antoine Laurent de Jussieu in 1789.


It is possible that the plants were first discovered by Jeanne Baré, Commerçon's lover and assistant whom he stuck on board (despite regulations) disguised as a man (and who thus became the first woman to circumnavigate the globe).

They are thorny, woody vines growing anywhere from 1 to 12 meters tall, scrambling over other plants with their spiky thorns. The thorns are tipped with a black, waxy substance. They are evergreen where rainfall occurs all year, or deciduous if there is a dry season. The leaves are alternate, simple ovate-acuminate, 4-13 cm long and 2-6 cm broad.


The actual flower of the plant is small and generally white, but each cluster of three flowers is surrounded by three or six bracts with the bright colours associated with the plant, including pink, magenta, purple, red, orange, white, or yellow.

Bougainvillea glabra is sometimes referred to as "paper flower" because the bracts are thin and papery. The fruit is a narrow five-lobed achene.


Bougainvillea is relatively pest-free plants, but may suffer from worms, snails and aphids. The larvae of some Lepidoptera species also use them as food plants, for example the Giant Leopard Moth (Hypercompe scribonia).

Bougainvilleas are popular ornamental plants in most areas with warm climates, including Ethiopia, Indonesia, Aruba, the Philippines, Thailand, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Australia, Greece, Spain, Turkey, Cyprus, Singapore, the Mediterranean region, the Caribbean, Central America, Mexico, South Africa, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and the southern mainland United States and Hawaii. Locarno in Switzerland, with its mild Mediterranean climate, is famous for its bougainvilleas.

Although it is frost-sensitive and hardy in U.S. Hardiness Zones 9b and 10, bougainvillea can be used as a houseplant or hanging basket in cooler climates. In the landscape, it makes an excellent hot season plant, and its drought tolerance makes bougainvillea ideal for warm climates year-round. Bougainvillea has a high salt tolerance, which makes it a natural choice for color on coastal regions.


As a woody clambering vine, bougainvillea will stand alone and can be pruned into a standard, but it is perfect along fence lines, on walls, in containers and hanging baskets, and as a hedge or an accent plant. Its long arching branches are thorny, and bear heart-shaped leaves and masses of papery bracts in white, pink, orange, purple, and burgundy. Many cultivars, including double flowered and variegated, is available.

 Many of today's bougainvilleas are the result of interbreeding among only three out of the eighteen South American species recognized by botanists.


Currently, there are over 300 varieties of bougainvillea around the world. Because many of the hybrids have been crossed over several generations, it's difficult to identify their respective origins.


Natural mutations seem to occur spontaneously throughout the world; wherever large numbers of plants are being produced, bud-sports will occur. This had led to multiple names for the same cultivar (or variety) and has added to the confusion over the names of bougainvillea cultivars.


The growth rate of Bougainvillea varies from slow-growing to rapid, depending on the particular variety. Bougainvillea tends to flower all year round in equatorial regions. Elsewhere, they are seasonal bloomers. They grow best in somewhat dry, fertile soil. Bloom cycles are typically four to six weeks.

Bougainvilleas grow best in very bright full sun and with frequent fertilization, but the plant requires little water once established. As indoor houseplants in temperate regions, they can be kept small by bonsai techniques. If overwatered,  


Bougainvillea will not flower and may lose leaves or wilt, or even die from root decay. Bougainvillea can be easily propagated via tip cuttings. The sap of the Bougainvillea can cause skin rashes similar to Toxicodendron species.